WE REOPEN 8AM SATURDAY!!… Common Questions Answered!

WE REOPEN 8AM SATURDAY!!… Common Questions Answered!

We are incredibly excited to welcome you back from tomorrow. We have worked incredibly hard during the closure to make us COVID 19 safe and carry on with our ongoing improvements programme, such as refurbishing reception, a new volcano sauna, upgrading ventilation systems and refurbishing the original hydro pool area …

We have as advised by the government; the industry governing body and our own health & safety director made some changes to ensure we are safe but also that we can create an environment you can enjoy…

IT IS IMPORTANT TO STATE THAT THIS IS LEARNING CURVE FOR US TOO SO ALL PROCEDURES AND RESTRICTIONS WILL BE REVIEWED EVERY TWO WEEKS!!! I will say I have been over cautious on the numbers allowed in and I fully expect that after two weeks a lot of the booking systems will be relaxed.

Common questions & Key Points:


  • Gym sessions need to be booked online or via the app between the hours of 6am-11am & 4pm -9pm … Outside these times there is no need to book
  • Swim/spa sessions and ALL classes need to be booked via the APP or online
  • Please bring a proof of your booking to limit check in time
  • ALL visits to the building must not exceed 1 hour to allow for social distancing (including off peak visits)
  • Visits for all sessions are limited to one per day
  • There is a new entrance! It is easy to be found and there will be a member of the team to welcome you
  • There are no bags or use of lockers allowed in the building (except for swim sessions)
  • New toilets have been installed outside the lady’s zone, advanced trainer area and on the top floor
  • Only booked swim sessions have access to the showers. Members can have access to the changing rooms for toilet use only. Please note there are no hair or hand dryers available
  • There are no matts available and members are advised to bring there own
  • Please wipe down all equipment after use… There are numerous cleaning stations around the building
  • Please use the hand sanitiser when entering the building… There are also now hand washing basins on every floor and numerous hand sanitising stations too
  • You will need to swipe your card or enter your membership number into the barrier as normal
  • Please arrive 10 mins before a group exercise class and can you please vacate the building as soon as the class has finished
  • As well the pool, booked swimming sessions will have access to the heated loungers, foot spas, new hydro pool and the themed showers. The sauna and steam rooms are currently closed. Please note, your booked time for swim sessions, does include changing and shower time.
  • Premium members are allowed to bring guests to the gym as normal however access to the pool and classes are temporally suspended
  • members can do an unlimited amount of ZOOM classes


If you need any assistance in anyway the team are available daily between 10am-6pm on 01159461041

As ever your feedback  is really important to me so please feel free to email me on mclifford66@yahoo.co.uk   I do want everything to be the best it can be!!!…… Once this is all over plans are already well underway to:


  • Install a whole new floor in the mill including a new hot yoga studio, extension of the spin studio, a new additional gym and new toilet facilities
  • Upgrading the static resistance and ladies only zone equipment
  • Creating an additional space for day spa guests including a new sauna, steam room , jacuzzi , heated loungers and additional treatment rooms…


If you do feel you are not quite ready to start back at the club as yet then you do have the option to suspend your direct debit membership by contacting Ashbourne on memberships@ashbournemanagement.co.uk or text ‘HELP’ to 60777. If you would like to freeze your paid in advance membership please email mclifford66@yahoo.co.uk    I understand Ashbourne are taking longer than normal to respond which I apologise for … It is purely down to the fact of all the gyms reopening. They will be back in touch.


Can’t wait to see you all








April membership offer....

Join today and enjoy no joining fee or save £££££££££'s by paying in advance.

Tel 01159461041 for viewings or join online


For viewing please telephone 01159461041 or join online